Small Touches, Big Gains
Dear stakeholders, business partners and customers,
Esenboğa Elektrik is a high technology oriented subsidiary that develops solar energy resources with micro energy generation platforms and presents it to end users within the framework of global best practices.
Within the framework of our activities, we support institutions and individuals in achieving their sustainability goals, resetting their energy efficiency and carbon footprints. With our industrial and residential roof SPP applications, we design and install micro power plants in the range of 5kW to 50MW, in different production concepts.
I would like to invite you to these exciting sustainability and efficiency projects.
Best Regards,
Esenboğa Elektrik Inc.
Chairman of the Board

Esenboğa Elektrik
Esenboğa Elektrik, continues to invest in solar energy for a cleaner, more livable world. It offers turnkey project design and EPC services for On-Land Solar Power Plants, as always, at a high level.

Integrated Service Structure and Business Continuity
Project Development + EPC + Production +
Maintenance and Repair Service
+ 3.000 MW
With its strong technical and financial structure, Naturel Energy carries out all the engineering, construction, supply, mechanical assembly, electrical works, switchyard installation, ETL construction and commissioning activities required for the installation of Solar Power Plants. Our company, which has installed a total of 50 MW roof and land until today, offers all kinds of solutions for both land and roof types together with our technical experts.
Naturel Enerji maintains the operation and maintenance processes of both its own power plants and those of its customers, with its experienced in-house and field teams, within the framework of international standards, provides preventive breakdown maintenance services and attaches great importance to keeping field performances at a high level.
Naturel Enerji, which has come to an important position in the sector in terms of being preferred after the knowledge brought by many successful projects it has completed and the important experience gained from the practice of many projects, is one of the leading companies in the sector in terms of Solar Energy project development.

Integrated Strategy With Sustainability

Esenboğa Elektrik continuously works to improve global sustainability with its main operations by installing renewable energy capacity and increasing energy efficiency with innovative climate technologies, in line with Paris Agreement 2050 net zero emission and COP28 targets.
We regularly provide detailed Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting on LSEG, demonstrating our dedication to sustainable practices and are listed in BIST Sustainability Index with our 2022 “A” ESG Score.
Actively collaborating with our stakeholders, we implement concrete actions to achieve our material targets, and transparently report our sustainability progress through our annual sustainability reports.

Investor Relations
Public Offering
Article of
Board of
Information Society
Esenboğa Elektrik
Head Office
Kızılırmak Mahallesi, 1450 Sokak
ATM Plaza, No: 1 / 67 Blok, Kat: 4
Çukurambar / Çankaya
Ankara / Türkiye
T: +90 (312) 467 18 33 (Pbx)
F: +90 (312) 467 61 86
Esenboğa Elektrik
İstanbul Office
Zorlu Center
Levazım Mahallesi, Vadi Caddesi
No: 2 Ofisler Bölgesi T1 No: 144
Beşiktaş / İstanbul / Türkiye
T: +90 (212) 211 06 00 (Pbx)
F: +90 (212) 211 06 03